Its funny how seeing something can have a bigger impact. I had read of the pyramid thing but seeing it and the cross really made me take notice.
Thanks for sharing that
Its funny how seeing something can have a bigger impact. I had read of the pyramid thing but seeing it and the cross really made me take notice.
Thanks for sharing that
note: the following is not meant to be construed as a recommendation but to demonstrate the sharp contrast between any authentic bible translation and the new world translation.
for those of us who participate and or read the threads on this board, i understand and appreciate that all here have different views on religion, the existence of god, and of the catholic church.
i believe each individuals convictions should be treated with the utmost respect and dignity.
“anti-Catholicism,” it is the excessive use of hate speech toward Catholics and their lifestyle that we don’t allow used toward Jews {anti-Semitic}, of people on the basis of race {racial}, or gays and lesbians {homophobic} but for some reason allow to run rampant and unchecked with the same amount of prejudice and bigotry we claim to distaste when shown for others).
Anti JWism - the excessive use of hate speech toward JW's and their lifestyle that we don’t allow used toward Catholics, Atheists, Jews {anti-Semitic}, of people on the basis of race {racial}, or gays and lesbians {homophobic} but for some reason allow to run rampant and unchecked with the same amount of prejudice and bigotry we claim to distaste when shown for others
note: the following is not meant to be construed as a recommendation but to demonstrate the sharp contrast between any authentic bible translation and the new world translation.
for those of us who participate and or read the threads on this board, i understand and appreciate that all here have different views on religion, the existence of god, and of the catholic church.
i believe each individuals convictions should be treated with the utmost respect and dignity.
TTWSYF Just like the JW's, you home in on what you think the point is and miss the actual point completely. You see what you want to see and hear what you want to hear. Even to the point that you seem to keep thinking I need to get back to that faith....typical JW thought process. Have you just swapped one mind controlling religion for another. Wake up, put your objective glasses on. I do not have a lack of knowlege about the Catholic faith. I have enough to know it is a lie. Just as I have enough knowlege to know that JW faith is a lie.
I still have the belief that you had and have no idea about the fullness of your former faith.
I had, and have had plenty of ideas about it thank you. I was so full of my "former faith" as you like to put it....that it made me want to vomit.
you did not see people praying to Mary
Exodus 20:4 "Do not make for yourselves images of anything in heaven or on earth or in the water under the earth (Good news Bible)
This indeed is true......I saw them praying to a statue whist rubbing little beads between their fingers.....if they wernt praying to it what were they doing? You could argue that it is just an image so they have something to focus on......and I could argue that they are worshipping false idols....we will NEVER agree on this. (maybe they were praying that mary would help them with their bead rubbing disorder)
The only reason you cannot see ANY truth at all in the NWT is that you are SO BIASED. I don't deny that catholic bibles and NWT in fact all bibles are worth looking at to compare scriptures and come to my own conclusions. You however have decided what you want the scriptures to say and anything else that does not fit into your preconceived reasoning must be wrong.
I think that talking about the Catholic religion is valid in this thread because it highlights why you are so against the NWT. It isn't a catholic bible.
Someone told you that prayer repitition was vain repitition. Really?
Saying the same thing over and over again. Just like I was told to after going to confession. 10 Hail marys 5 Our Fathers.......(depending on how severe the sinning) .........Yes, I think it was the bible actually.....pick one, any one.
love it!! thanks for the giggle
Yeah...keep it simple.
Maybe some religion will do a version of the bible like this. Might be popular? Attract new money.....oops....I mean believers
the ever-changing watch tower doctrines betray its corruption.
by randall watters.
"new light from jehovah's organization!
What a fantastic post, thanks for that.
this text is from the wtb&ts publication gods kingdom of a thousand years has approached- 1973, pages 206-207.. .
the correcting of a misunderstanding.
48 it is true that the editor and publisher of zion's watch tower and herald of corpses presence calculated that the "presence" or parousia of the heavenly bridegroom began in the year 1874 c.e.
Good on you!! I was heading that way myself. Until I did the unspeakable and started reading "apostate" literature.
I wanted to thorougly check out the religion I was going to commit myself to. I figured they would be ok with that since they encourage you to check out every other religion to prove it is wrong. To my surprise no one was happy about it. I still have bible studies in my home (but I use this expression loosly) because as much as I want to just keep discussing the bible and avoid confrontation with them. They keep dragging the conversation back to the organisation. And how gods kingdom couldn't be preached without them.
I really do personally like these ladies and I have said enough to them about what I have discovered. They dont want to know so I'm fine with that and am happy to drop the subject and just study the bible, but they keep bringing it up. Obviously in the hope that I will be convinced by their arguments.
I have just made it clear this week that there is nothing they could say to me that would change my mind about the organisation. As I said to them. I can't unlearn what I have learnt about it. UN NGO, Mexico, Malawi....and as you have mentioned, dates that just don't add up... the list goes on.
Thank God I looked before making any commitments. I have read in horror the stories of people that have been disfellowshiped and how they have been treated.
I think we had a lucky escape.
note: the following is not meant to be construed as a recommendation but to demonstrate the sharp contrast between any authentic bible translation and the new world translation.
for those of us who participate and or read the threads on this board, i understand and appreciate that all here have different views on religion, the existence of god, and of the catholic church.
i believe each individuals convictions should be treated with the utmost respect and dignity.
Hmmmmm...lets see, was that an enormous statue of Mary I saw people kneeling in front of and praying to....or maybe I was mistaken. Maybe it was a golden calf.
Of course it all makes total have convinced me.....we don't need to pray directly to Jesus, its not his name we need to call on for salvation. We need to get Mary and the saints to petitiion him for us. Because of course we cant speak directly to Jesus or even God for that matter. When Jesus told us "this is how to pray"....our father etc etc.... he made an error, it was a misprint.....he meant, ask Mary and the saints to pass that information on to him.
So in future I will adrress all my comments to OUTLAW maybe, and then he can pass them on to you. I'm starting to understand how this whole thing works.'re it....pass it on
note: the following is not meant to be construed as a recommendation but to demonstrate the sharp contrast between any authentic bible translation and the new world translation.
for those of us who participate and or read the threads on this board, i understand and appreciate that all here have different views on religion, the existence of god, and of the catholic church.
i believe each individuals convictions should be treated with the utmost respect and dignity.
He talked to his shoes???? Did they talk back?
note: the following is not meant to be construed as a recommendation but to demonstrate the sharp contrast between any authentic bible translation and the new world translation.
for those of us who participate and or read the threads on this board, i understand and appreciate that all here have different views on religion, the existence of god, and of the catholic church.
i believe each individuals convictions should be treated with the utmost respect and dignity.
If you would like to compare Catholics with JW's I have a recent example for you. I asked my friend (who is catholic) the other day which bible version she used. Her reply "The Holy Bible" she didn't have the foggiest Idea that there were different bibles. She has been a Catholic all her life and is now almost 60. You could argue that she is only one Catholic, But I would argue that you cannot speak for all JW's and make sweeping statements that most do not know about bible cannon. Otherwise, I could use the same argument about Catholics.